Liebster Award!

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I’m feeling overwhelmingly joyous right now! I got nominated for a Liebester Award by the lovely Glamorous Etoiles and then by the darling intouchwithemmy19 soon after! I am so thankful to both of these talented and gracious ladies! In just a short amount of time blogging I have connected with some amazing people and I appreciate every interaction you all have given me. If you’re unfamiliar with either one of these dolls then I recommend you go check them out now!

So for the Award, here are the rules!

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For part two, I combined half and half from each that were assigned, so you weren’t stuck reading 22 questions about me! Here are the questions I was given:

  1. Why did you start your blog ?
    • I started blogging because I wanted to learn about new products and share what I know and am passionate about.
  2. What is your favorite food?
    • Definitely my mom’s mac and cheese or baked ziti!
  3. Who is your dream dinner party guest?
    • I’m going to say Amy Poehler because I think she is hilarious and an overall amazing woman.
  4. Do you have a favorite outfit?
    • I love dresses, so all of my dresses are my favorite.
  5. What is your favorite quote?
    • Nothing is impossible.
  6. What is your favorite makeup brand and why?
    • I’m kind of obsessed with Too Faced right now. I had fallen in love with their packaging, and then was surprised by the amazing quality of the products!
  7. Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
    • On a kickass television show! Or in an awesome movie 🙂
  8. Favorite beauty product?
    • I have to go with anything pink and girly!
  9. What’s your favorite hobby?
    • Right now that would be blogging haha.
  10. What is your biggest fear?
    • Spiders… ewww
  11. You’re on a desert island and only allowed one beauty product.. what would it be?
    • I would definitely need chap stick! I guarantee my lips would be so sunburnt and chapped with out it! Maybe I should have said sunscreen…


Now for the eleven random facts… even though I’m pretty sure the eleven questions gave up a lot of information on me!

  1. I used to be a professional Ballroom dancer
  2. I drink more water than anybody can imagine
  3. I am a Princess Performer
  4. I could never decide if I liked pink or blue better… so I usually ended up getting both #RealLifeSleepingBeauty
  5. I eat dessert every day… sometimes twice!
  6. I just decided to pursue acting about 4 years ago and I couldn’t be happier
  7. I love the number 7… and 3… and any variation containing those, like 33
  8. I sometimes wear heels around my room because I just love shoes so much
  9. I like to rockclimb and hike
  10. I’m much older than I look and act
  11. I have two scars on my face caused by two separate embarrassing moments 🙂

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Now for nominations! There are so many great blogs I’ve encountered lately and it was very hard to just pick 11! (There were a lot more I wanted to include, but I tried to stick to the rules of 200 folowers or less…)

  1. beautybyamyxo
  2. everythingslookingrosie
  3. swatchbible
  4. luciamoomakeup
  5. haleysamantha
  6. immalady
  7. themakeupbutterfly
  8. ricoetbello
  9. ramblingsbyalisha
  10. beautybolt
  11. derpypink

As for your questions, here we go! (Yes some are repeats of the questions I was asked from both of my lovely nominators! Making up questions is hard!)

  1. What are the top five things you use every day in your makeup bag?
  2. What is your favorite quote?
  3. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  4. If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go?
  5. Where would you like to be in five years?
  6. What do you like to do to unwind?
  7. If you could be any animal what would you be?
  8. If you had to eat the same thing for dinner every night what would you eat?
  9. What is your favorite makeup brand (or fashion, if you’re not into makeup) and why?
  10. If you could switch places with someone for a day who would you choose and why?
  11. Why did you start blogging?


Thank you again glamorousetoiles and intouchwithemmy19 for the love  ♥  Looking forwards to reading everyone’s response!

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♥ You can now find me on   bloglovin logo

12 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

  1. Pingback: Liebster Award 

  2. This was such a good response I laughed at the dessert twice a day that’s so me haha! Desert every meal right? Haha and yes chap stick is a good one you could get the SPF one hehe ( for the sun cream) 😉 and I never used two face are they as good as everyone says?? Xx


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