On Wednesdays we…


Welcome to June! As the months fly by it’s important to remember your long term ambitions as much as your day to day goals. Writing down what you are working towards can not only help you plan, but also keep you focused and motivated. What’s my favorite way to do this you ask?

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On Wednesdays we…


It’s the first Wednesday of the month of May, which means time for Tiny Pig calendar! This calendar is so adorable I just want to rip out previous months and save them! To see the past two months, check out the March and April posts.

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“Take time every day to stop and appreciate the beauty around you.”

Oh Tiny Pig and your words of wisdom, how right you are. With spring weather and beautiful flowers blooming everywhere, this isn’t hard to do! It’s my favorite time of year and the prettiest in my opinion.

I have a busy couple of months ahead, so I will be utilizing this calendar more so than ever. I even just swapped a few items for a new day planner, which I’m very excited to start using. As I mentioned in my March post, wall calendars are great for an overall view of your month. They really help with long term planning and being able to see the whole month at a quick glance. In conjunction with a day planner, you’ll be an unstoppable, organized force!

Who else is excited for Spring?!

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On Wednesdays we…


It’s that time of the week again for some Pink wonderfulness! If you’re just coming across my Wednesday series WELCOME!! You can find the origin and the rest of the series listed under my Pink Series tab above.

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This weeks Pink spotlight goes to a gift I received during the holidays, a fun hot pink candle from Bath and Body works. The scent is called Party Dress and I really couldn’t think of a better name for it. It smells exactly as I would want to if I’m all dolled up ready for a night out! The fragrance is a blend of orchid petals, white peony, and soft jasmine, all which combine to make a beautifully fragrant candle. I want to bottle up this scent and wear it as a perfume!

I never think to buy candles for myself but I love them. And not to mention this one is super cute with a fabulous pink design label on an already fabulously pink candle! I mean come on! It’s the perfect addition to any girly set up.

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Anyone else have a favorite candle brand or scent? As always if you would like to participate in the Pink series let me know and I will link your post! Check out this adorable pink spotlight from Statements in BasementsXOXO

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Thankful Tuesday

spread kindness award

This post will pale in comparison to how I actually feel. I am so thankful to each and every one of you that has read a post (or many,) interacted with me in some way, and has shown support in a multitude of ways! Thank you times a million!

I have recently, and not so recently, have been nominated for a couple of blogging awards. I kind of decided to break the rules a bit and create my own award! I didn’t think you wanted to read another long post about me, so I decided to flip the focus and make it about those who nominated me. In case you wanted to read about me, you can catch it here in my first Liebster Award nomination. If you’d like to hear more about this new *award* I’d like to create, I’ll explain it more below the nominations!

I would like to thank the following lovelies for the nominations!

Zoe (I think that’s your name.. got it from your contact email!) from HomeFamilyWork for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I am super late on this one, I guess from slacking on my notifications the beginning of March! I blame beauty boxes! Anyway she has a fun blog on beauty with some sprinkling of life bits in between. I enjoyed reading her uses for Vaseline which you can read here! Even though everyone says it’s bad for you… I love it anyways!!

Luzz05 (sadly I don’t know your name!) for nominating me for the Liebster Award! What a great blog for makeup reviews and more! She has given me some serious beauty box and makeup palette envy! I especially liked her post on BH Cosmetics Galaxy Chic which you can read here. The swatches definitely make me want this palette!

Brittany from Life in Lipstick for nominating me for the Creative Blogger Award! She writes about everything from wine to art to beauty and just about everything in between. I recently found out we have some silly similarities too! One of my favorites posts from her blog is a recipe for Peanut Butter Blondies… which I just can’t wait to try! Check it out here!

Rhiannon from Smilesweetie HQ for nominating me for the Beauty Blog Tag! What a lovely beauty blog she has with some great pictures! I especially like the post called Queen of Clean where she talks about how she organized all her beauty goods. I’m all about organization in my life! Check out her post here!

Samantha from The Pink Apple for nominating me for the Miranda Sings Award! This beauty blog touches upon hair, makeup, and some other great stuff in various other categories. I particularly like her recent post on MAC lipsticks. I love swatches more than anything and she included a whole bunch in her post that you can read here!

So I think that has been all the wonderful beauty tags I have slacked on in the month of March! Thank you so so SO much again to these beautiful humans for including me in their blogging worlds.

Now for some blogs I think deserve some love… there were so many I would like to choose. However, I tried to pick some that are just starting up, I’ve had some great connections with, or just deserve some attention! I only stopped because I didn’t want to wind up listing 100 blogs ha! So please feel free to participate if I haven’t added you to the list below.

The nominations!

I actually will let you choose what you would like to participate in… The Liebster Award, The Creative Blogger Award, The Beauty Blog Tag, or The Miranda Sings Award.


If you would like to stray the path a little…you can help me create a new award! Lets call it the Spread Kindness Award! I’m totally up for suggestions too ha… What we can do with this new internet award is bring some of our favorite newbies some light. You can give a shout out to a few blogs that have caught your interest or maybe some followers you want to thank. Similar to what I did above or with your own twist! Instead of set rules, I’ll give some suggestions based on what I did:

  1. List anywhere from 2 to 10 blogs that you want to thank for their support
  2. Give a little insight as to what their blog is about
  3. Link back to their blog, either a specific post you enjoyed or their home page
  4. Nominate any number of blogs that are either new to the blogging scene or have caught your attention in a separate list
  5. *If you’re on the receiving end of the nominations, give a shout out to the blog who nominated you or include them in your list of blogs to thank when you accept the award*

Hopefully none of that was too confusing! If you’d like to help me in creating this thankful award I would absolutely LOVE it! Feel free to take some creative liberties and make it your own as well. Either way all I ask is that you keep spreading the love and help the beauty community grow! Kindness is always free and you will never regret it XOXO

Thank you again for all your kind words and support!


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 Come chat with me on Twitter and Instagram XOXO

Fun Fact: I created the award picture because I love Peonies and extremely girly looking photos ♥


Influenster Perks

What’s Influenster you say? Why it’s just a little ‘ole website that sends you free samples to test out for your honest feedback! I had joined a long time ago and never really got into it. When I realized I was missing out on some pretty cool samples, I decided to give it a go one more time.


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L’Oreal Extraordinary Oil Shampoo & Conditioner


I just recently tested out L’Oreal Paris Extraordinary Oil Curls shampoo, conditioner, and treatment mask. I even uploaded my first YouTube video which I talk about it and show off my transformed hair! Although I want to cringe at my extreme awkwardness (you think being an actress I would be comfortable in front of a camera,) I decided to share the video anyway. Mostly so I can get all of your feedback on what not to do in the future! If you choose to watch me embarrass myself, then I’ll include the link of my hair magic below!

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Liebster Award!

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I’m feeling overwhelmingly joyous right now! I got nominated for a Liebester Award by the lovely Glamorous Etoiles and then by the darling intouchwithemmy19 soon after! I am so thankful to both of these talented and gracious ladies! In just a short amount of time blogging I have connected with some amazing people and I appreciate every interaction you all have given me. If you’re unfamiliar with either one of these dolls then I recommend you go check them out now!

So for the Award, here are the rules!

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Excuse the brief pause…

I want to share with you beautiful people so many posts I’m super excited about. Unfortunately my Surface of less than a year old just suddenly stopped working. I was crafting a Valentine’s Day look for you all, took a little break, and when I came back my Surface wouldn’t turn on. After many troubleshooting techniques tried by me and a technician at the store, I was informed that it was dead and there’s nothing they can do. They couldn’t explain why this would happen and said there was no actual reason for this to occur either. I was told it must have been a lemon, although after some internet research I found I wasn’t the only one who ever had this problem of their Surface just up and dying. I was also informed all my information could not be recovered. Therefore all my documents and pictures and everything else stored on there are gone forever apparently.

With all that said and done I have been waiting on a replacement. After almost a week now I remain device less and a bit stuck. Luckily I took a few pictures on my phone so I was able to get out the Sneak Peek for you guys. Until I receive a new laptop, my Valentine’s Day post along with some others, will have to unfortunately be pushed back. For now I’m typing this up on my phone and working on some ideas I have for future posts (like NYX reviews, Beauty Box subscriptions, new skincare lines, etc.!) I look forwards to sharing more reviews and tutorials with you guys shortly! Until then, I want to keep you guys informed on the lack of posts and I want to thank you for all your love, support, and patience!

Oh and if anyone has any good laptop recommendations I’m all ears 😃

Have a be-YOU-tiful day 💕


Hello world!

Well this is my first blog post ever!

Too many times I search the Internet looking for reviews and pictures of products to see what they are actually like. Too many times I cannot find anything. So I decided to start my own page to help people like me, who just want to know a little bit more about something before trying it.

Looking forwards to starting this new internet sensational thing called blogging… Even though I’m a few years behind ha!